Monday, 13 October 2008

Hell Hath No Fury

Like a Allotmenteer scorned!!! Someone with a plot near mine has been told to vacate
and they were not happy! Here is a very trashed plot.Pity they didn,t spend as much energy before lol
The french beans were still trying to produce but the stiff wind tried harder. this is what I found
the lidl blackberry/raspberries are still going great guns! I intend getting more blackberries,digging out some weaker ones in the raspberry bed and replacing them with these when they die back
I think I have found a place for the overwintering onions unfortunately it,s just been dug over and is very clumpy so these will have to wait a little bit longer
The spring cabbage is still in the greenhouse and will have to "harden off" before starting off 09,s cabbage patch. they will go where the french beans have been
Here is the latest harvest
And this is how the front garden is looking. I,m happy that one michaelmas daisy survived
my tree is begining to change to it,s autumn colours I think it,s called a Stags Horn Sumach mmmm have to check up on that


Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

Looks like someone had quite a tantrum.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a Stags Horn Sumach to me - they are such a wonderful colour at this time of year.

Peggy said...

Hi, you have a great harvest there for this time of year! Still lots going on in the plot.

Kevin Stelfox said...

Brilliant ... Love it
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