Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Don,t Know What To Think Of Sarpo Potatoes

Well despite all the wet they are all dug up,maybe a bit later then they should have been! the Sarpo Mira died back earlier then Sarpo Axona perhaps this was caused by all the slug damage and perhaps it was this caused some to be rotten. I shall know whether it was blight or not if the good stored potatoes also go rotten
Sarpo Axona were slightly smaller. they stayed green and had much less slug damage with only one or two mushy ones again I will keep watch on the stored tubers
I would grow both again but dig them out earlier,if it does turn out that they suffered blight I would spray them as well as I think this is the only way to grow maincrop potatoes on our site which suffers blight even on good years
these are a few of the affected potatoes,not a pretty sight
It has not,for me been a good year for carrots as the first row sown got nibbled!! I think also that I planted them in the wrong place. I thought next year I would dig some bags of compost in the clay soil to lighten it up a bit. These are very small but the best I will be getting this year
Still picking raspberries, runner and french beans.not quite so many but plenty for a meal
Have done two winter hanging baskets for outside the back door.I grew some pansies from seed but they are still a bit small I bought the cyclamen at Chedder car boot last week