A pansy growing amongst the runner beans
Lemon balm, makes lovely tea,think I will replant this in a pot as it spreads
Bronze Fennel again by the beans, will replant this when it dies back
Camomile I planted this 5 years ago,lots of uses including a relaxing tea
This Bee is a welcome guest! no shortage of them on the marigolds
These Sparrows are in my front garden. this is taken through my home window
These Sarpo Potatoes are still green and healthy although Blight has killed potatoes all around them. have dug some up,they are tasty and a good size only thing is slugs are getting at them as it is sooo wet! will try to dig them up when (if) we get a few days of dry weather
This weeks harvest
Here are the Salad Leaves I sowed weeks ago. think I might start some more!!
Time to look to the future! These are the winter cabbage just waiting for room
Leaminton Cauli,Avron Cauli,January King,Savoy Emerald and Torvoy
Spring Greens and winter onions just sprouting.Sushyu and Sonic onions.Brassicas are Winter Green,April,Early Queen and Flower of Spring,doesnt seem like 5 mins ago I was eating this years!