Friday 21 September 2007

It,s been quite a good year

07 has had it,s ups and downs, breaking an ankle mid march was def a down! the rainfall we had
saved a lot of watering which seems to be good for a lot of things including my still weak ankle but it did bring potatoe blight on very early . I only grow 1st and 2nds because blight gets bad on our site and this usually misses it but as they went in late and blight was early some of mine got caught. should have enough to last a few months but will have to watch them
Putting a plastic bottle on the swollen cobbs of corn was a success and I have enjoyed eating unprenibbled corn this year unlike the last two
blue moon french beans have been very poor but the runners after a terrible start of the saved seed rotting and having to get new, produced bag after bag until they gave up at the begining of september. I think perhaps the delayed start of the other root crops was a good thing as they missed aprils heat and grew well right from the start. most brassicas did well exepting caulis and broccoli nasturtions def helped lure the cabbage whites from them. onons did well ex spring ones and leeks funny aint it different needs i suppose

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.