Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Where is this Year Going?

It is now July and we are half way through the year (or should I say have the 2nd half to look forward to). we have dug a few potatoes up,not a huge quantity per plant but they tasted yummy!the beans continue to look a bit pathetic,we keep having really high winds which blow them off the canes cannot help thinking that if they were not so puny they would cling on,the nieghbouring plot has very strong ones and his thick stemmed and dark green whilst mine are light. any way I have tried to erect a windbreak to protect my poor little runts
We have also caged this years brassicas againt the local bird population,the PSB and sprouts have discovered a will to live and seem strong enough to see off the slugs
here is todays harvest
In The Greenhouse
Have been trying to increase the tomatoes by supporting them right up to the roof axis and the same with the cucumber,hopfully it will increase air cerculation as well
Have sowed a selection of cut and come again salad leaves in pots most have germinated
No sign of the Plumeria yet :o( I have put them on a sunny window sill indoors and talk to them daily,perhaps thats why!!!