Sunday, 10 February 2008

Frosty Nights But Sunny Days

It,s hard to remember it is only feburary,we have much needed sunshine! at last the lane to the allotment is passable. I went there yesterdayand pruned the autumn raspberries, abit of guesswork was needed as they are mixed with summer ones which don,t have to be cut right down. I have dug over the potatoe patch again,it has rained such a lot this winter it is quite compacted,I hope to discourage the small slugs which like potatoes. another bare earth pic(nothing so satisfying as dug earth)
also been busy in the G/H greyhound cabbage are doing well but earliest of all seemed to have blanked(old seed?)sowed onion ailsa craig,cepa and golden bear also 5 pots of red poppy and 3 of wild flowers.these are to grow on to put in the garden just before they flower( they don,t stand a chance otherwise) have put a lot of old flower seeds into modules to see if they come up it reduces my stash, I cannot bear to throw them without giving them a chance.also verbena B and eryngium (sea holly)
these were cheap seed so might not happen (fingers crossed)still eating sprouts,parsnips,last of the kale. just starting purple sprouting broccoli (PSB)

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Yesterday Was The First Day Of Spring

All I can say is Brrrrrr!! we had a scattering of snow yesterday, the road up to the allotment is still under water,but yesterday was Imbolc a celtic festival of life stirring again after winter, and it is!!
and hellibore


the cauli and red cabbages are sprouting and I have sown greyhound and earliest of all cabbage for the summer. the onion seedling are doing OK not 100 germination but enough