Monday, 29 October 2007

Champion Muck Spreader

Well didn,t need a champian to spread that! It only streched over the bare bits of the full plot but anyway its done.was asked will I dig it in? it seems the modern way is to let the worms take it down, time will tell
Nothing much has been happening. Harvesting carrots,swede,parsnips,sprouts,red cabbage,kale still eating beetroot,onion,potatoes from store also eating sweet pepper and lettuce from greenhouse which I have cleaned but not got around to insulating yet.

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Talking Dirty (and smelly)

Well it arrived!! a big pile of cow poo! truck driver didn,t want to reverse down grass path and when he did, wouldn,t go off it to dump on adrians plot so the lot went on the grass path, we did put some plastic down which helped but it took Ian and I app 1 hour to move about 4ton of manure here is my share
I went back up in the afternoon to begin spreading it. just enough for the full plot could have used the lot. know better next time if I am barmey enough for there to be a next time
also have ordered next years potatoes. wow I am thinking ahead. thought I would go for some really good ones this time so I ordered from Thompson and Morgan if these don,t do well nothing will. I am trying blight resistant main crop here is my list
Accent 1st for new potatoes these usually crop before blight appears £3.69 for 20
Romano 2nds B+ slug resistant these are red skinned £3.69 for 20
Sarpo Axona late maincrop B is around bad when these are ready £4.49 for 20
Sarpo Mira late maincrop again these are B busters £4.49 for 20

Sunday, 21 October 2007

It Does Not Feel Like October

Just digging the rest of the plot to be ready for the manure which should be delivered on Tuesday and I get the feeling the season is all mixed up as the sun is shining the sky is blue and feels warmer then it was in July! the Buzzards are calling above I managed to get a picy of one
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not very good but it showsthe mood of the day!!
strawbs are still trying to fruit even tho we are getting quite hard frosts some nights
and the jerusalem artichokes are determined they are going to be the tallest thing around

Friday, 19 October 2007


This year our allotment trip was at Wisley.It was a lovely day her are some pictures


Sunday, 14 October 2007

Another Boring Bare Earth Picture

But bare earth is beautiful this time of year, it means things have been harvested and the hard but very satisfying digging has been done before the rain makes the clay soil into a clinging paste or the frost makes it too hard to dig!! The bean trench has been dug ,filled with the bits we couldn,t eat, spring greens are all tucked up for the winter perhaps time to rest and reflect.......except for a small matter of app 5 tons of manure ordered for week after next and to be shared by ,I am glad to say my lotty neighbour adrian. plans are to dump it at the bottom of his plot and spread it over the empty areas of my 1.5 plots and let the worms work on it over winter!! saw 3 tons delivered to another plot today and it,s a LOT
heres the before the cow poo picture

and heres a less boring prettier picture from the halfplot


Friday, 12 October 2007

Is this what you call forked?

I dug up the first parsnip today and got a bit of a shock!! Is it a alien or perhaps the ground was a bit too rich


Also identified the grubs that I found when planting spring greens they were cabbage root fly and the grubs were eating the roots!! it seems that is why you have to put a "collar" around the base of brassicas the fly lays eggs around the plant which then go underground and start munching the roots.Dug two ailing plants up and found a couple on one of them, I then soaked the whole lot with derris. had a good look at the spares back home and they seem to be clean so hopefully I have caught it in time
Back home in the greenhouse the peppers are looking brilliant, don,t know why I grew them the mild ones are OK but I can,t stand the hot ones. I think I just like the look of them well I did say I was a confused grannie didn,t I?


Sunday, 7 October 2007

Thats the planting done for this year

Yes the spring greens are all in.They were started in pots in the greenhouse and then hardened off in the garden Ifigure they are big enough to look after thenselves now tho I am concerned about some small grubs found in the roots of some time will tell.They are Early Queen,Flower of Spring and Spring Hero I planted them deep and firm watered well then covered with net. robin watched and sang to me


and the bee,s still buzzed on the borage


Thursday, 4 October 2007

Looking forward to spring

You have to look well ahead in this game!! the F1 sonic onions just planted will be harvested in june and the leaminton cauli should be ready in march, all being well of course. if we didn,t live in hope seeds would never get sown.These overwinter cauli grow very tall so are planted right up to the 1st leaves,it will help them stand firm I have also packed the earth down very hard around the roots and covered with a net as skyrats love them. While I was working I was watched by a Robin hoping to grab a tasty worm


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Tuesday, 2 October 2007

We,v eaten the green cabbage.....

Now theres two rows of red to get through and then the kale and sprouts will be ready
all in the half plot where the potatoes will go next year. In the garden are Leaminton cauli and three sorts of spring greens bursting out of their pots to get in the bit by the strawbs( now reduced to four rows) which is where next years cabbage patch will be -----------------------------



out with the old ,in with the new

After clearing the ground of summer stuff I,v started putting in winter onions. with all the rain we are having the dug ground is breaking down nicely. would like to start a trench for next years beans but the lettuce has at decided to go on and on .......................................................